Thursday 20 September 2018

Radio Ads (David)

detailed analysis of two contrasting radio adverts:

Advert 1: Tesco price drop Ad.

The first advert i have chosen is the Tesco price drop advert, this advert is promoting the amount of items that have been dropped in price since the sale began, it takes a very informal and humorous  style very early on, the male speaker takes a massive deep breath and begins to list all the items included in the price drop, the speed he is talking and the size of the breath he took both indicate that he does not have enough allocated time to list every item, this can be used to intrigue the audience because they may wish to go to their local store just to see what else is on offer which can make it more likely for them to buy things.
around fifteen seconds into the advert a female begins to speak, she is reiterating what the male already said at the beginning of the advert, this seems to make it sound very important which can also lead to impressing the listener and coerce them into going to Tesco to look and potentially buy things.
this advert is mainly aimed at parents, and people that work but may not be able to afford all of the normal prices, so the hearing this advert may influence them in a way that results in them attending a local store and seeing what is on offer and maybe purchasing something because it is more in their price range.
the mood that is created by this advert is a very exiting one, it makes the listener register the advert as a very important/amazing thing to take into consideration when shopping.

Advert 2: Alton towers Ad (2007)

The second advert i have chosen to analyse is the Alton towers Ad, which was released in 2007, this Ad starts off with a male voice over, the speaker appears to be on a roller coaster whilst speaking, this Ad also takes a humorous style early on but for different reasons as the first advert, the speakers reactions as the roller coaster makes its way around are laughable, this is intended to make the listener want to attend the theme park so they can experience the same thing, as the Ad progresses you can also hear the screams and laughter of other riders this intends to do the same thing as mentioned previously. this Adverts purpose is to promote their theme park, they do this by making the main  speaker and everyone in the background appear to have fun, which makes the audience want to experience the same thing, therefore making people attend the theme park. the intended audience for this advert are young adults and parents because most young adults are considered fearless and willing to do exiting and dangerous things, and its aimed at parents as well because it may make them think about taking their children because they think it would be enjoyable for them.
 to conclude the main focal point of this ad is to attract people to the theme park.

The Advertising Standards Authority
the ASA (advertising standards authority) its role is to regulate the content of advertisments, sales promotions and direct marketing in the UK by investigating complaints made by the audiences and deciding whether or it complies with its advertising standards codes.

Monday 17 September 2018

Film In Theory (Marina)

Task 2

Film in theory

structuralism -  A theory that explains why and how audiences gain meaning from different forms of media such as literature.

Semiotics - semiotics is the investigation of how signs and signals can be used and interpreted within media.
example - advertisements use semiotics in various ways in an attempt to coerce viewers into buying products

Auteur Theory - this is a theory where, especially in film making, the director is seen as the main creative influencer.
example - Famous movie director quentin Tarantino is a modern day auteur filmmaker.

Feminism - feminism is the push for Women's rights, for equality of the genders/sexes.

queer theory - queer theory includes both queer texts and the theorisation of queerness itself.

Marxism - the theories presented by karl marx and Friedrich Engels, which was later transformed into communism by their followers.

psychoanalytic - theory of personality organisation and the dynamics of personality development.

Schindler's list (1994)
Genres: biography, drama, history.
director: Steven Spielberg.
target audience: older teens, adults.

the pianist (2002)
Genres: biography, drama, music
director: Roman Polanski
target audience: older teens, adults

Sunday 9 September 2018

Analytical Approaches (Marina)

Analytical Approaches 

Genre Analysis - genre analysis is analysing and specifying the reasoning behind a films specific genre/genres and who the intended audience is and why.

content analysis- content analysis is analysing the messages in the film how different characters are acting or how they are portrayed, it could also be referring to analysing any deeper meanings embedded in the film.

narrative analysis- narrative analysis refers to the examination of the story or the account of events and discovering and presenting underlying meanings.

reception study/theory- This is a study taken on the fans, it includes the fans interpretations of the selected film and what they think about different concepts introduced and what they mean.

fan study -research that is mainly focused upon media fans and fan cultures.

The Breakfast club (1985) - content, genre and narrative analysis.

The film "The Breakfast Club" is centred around five American high school students who all have to endure a day of Saturday detention, throughout the course of the day the students discover that they all have more in common than the fact that all attend the same high school, the narrative of the film is constantly shifting due to the fact that throughout the film each students story is told in a different manner. The Genre of the film is classed as a comedy/drama due to the mix of jokes and wisecracks presented in the film as well as the dramatic essence of the students stories about their separate lives.

The Purpose Of Planning Documents

what is the purpose of the following planning documents: Treatment: the goal of a music video treatment is to write and form a document t...