Friday 14 December 2018

Radio Ads Scripts

treatment 1, script 1.
Brand: Apple
Product name: I-Bag
Tag-Line: think different, look different.

SFX: orchestral music plays quietly as an introduction to the advert.
whilst a MVO begins to speak 

MVO: First we had the apple-1 in 1976, skip forward 25 years to 2001 and we have the first generation IPod, skip forward again and we bring you the all new and improved IMac in 2002,skip forward another 5 years and we bring you the first IPhone, the following year you have one of the first MAC books, july 2010 comes with the release of the Iphone 4, with 2015 came the release of the first apple watch, 2017 brought the release of the Iphone x to mark 10 years since the release of the first iphone, i think we are overdue a break through, introducing the all new I-Bag, the I-Bag is cutting edge technology at its finest combined with some of the nicest material money can buy, coming in 4 different colours (gold, rose gold, grey, space grey, and for a limited time only get the special edition white I-Bag. visit the apple store for more information.

FVO: think different look different.

Timing: 30 seconds 

Script 2:
SFX: Whistling birds, tress blowing in the wind 
FVO: since apple was first founded we have had some breakthroughs, we had the apple-1, the first ever i MAC, we had the IPods and the iPhones, we had the watches and the mac books, now i think its time for something a little different

MVO: introducing the all new I-Bag, the I-Bag is cutting edge technology at its finest combined with some of the nicest material money can buy, coming in 4 different colours (gold, rose gold, grey, space grey, and for a limited time only get the special edition white I-Bag. visit the apple store for more information.
SFX: whistling birds and tress blowing in the wind continues until the end of the AD

Timing:30 seconds

Treatment 2, script 1

SFX: waterfall in the background.
MV1: have you heard of Apples new product.
FV1: what, that new I-Bag.
MV1: have you seen the features it has
FV1: I heard it has 6 USB ports.
MV1: and two wireless charing ports 
FV1: don't forget touch ID lock
MV1: and on top of all of that, its waterproof.
MV1 and FV1: it sounds amazing.

FVO:the I-Bag is cutting edge technology at its finest combined with some of the nicest material money can buy, coming in 4 different colours (gold, rose gold, grey, space grey, and for a limited time only get the special edition white I-Bag. visit the apple store for more information.

MVO: visit the apple store for more information

Timing : 30 seconds

Treatment 2, script 2 

SFX: traffic going past, city noises.
MV1: have you heard of Apples new product.
FV1: what, that new I-Bag.
MV1: have you seen the features it has
FV1: I heard it has 6 USB ports.
MV1: and two wireless charing ports 
FV1: don't forget touch ID lock
MV1: and on top of all of that, its waterproof.
MV1 and FV1: it sounds amazing.

FVO:the I-Bag is cutting edge technology at its finest combined with some of the nicest material money can buy, coming in 4 different colours (gold, rose gold, grey, space grey, and for a limited time only get the special edition white I-Bag. visit the apple store for more information.

MVO: visit the apple store for more information

Timing : 30 seconds

Radio Ad Ideas and treatments

Radio ad ideas 

Brand: Apple

name of product: I-Bag


essential information:

  • price: £369 + VAT
  • content :feature 6 USB 3.0 sockets, and 2 wireless charging ports.
  • touch ID : specially designed lock that can only be opened to specific fingerprints once opened you can then unzip the bag.
  • waterproof.
USP: currently there are no products similar to this product. target audience: college/university students and business people, ( people who travel/ commute a lot)

logo and tagline: apple logo
tagline: think different.
             look different .

Treatment 1:
the I-Bag is cutting edge technology at its finest combined with some of the nicest material money can buy, coming in 4 different colours (gold, rose gold, grey, space grey, and for a limited time only get the special edition white I-Bag.

budget for the advert: £0

style of the advert: this advert will be in a formal style, it will start with a voice over, listing the best of the previous apple products, iphone 4( and what made it good), the phone 6 and what made it good and then the iphone x and what made it good, this will finish with the voice talking about the I Bag, describing its features and its UPS (unique selling point).

sound effects: orchestral music, as an introduction to the Ad with a man speaking over the music talking about the above mentioned.

Treatment 2:

Conversation between two friends, one man and one women discussing the I-bag on top of a mounting standing in front of  water fall.

sound effects: water flowing calmly.
nature sounds

talk about the different features it has and what it can do.

Friday 9 November 2018

creating an original product idea (David)

Brand: Apple

name of product: IBag


essential information:

  • price: £129.99 + VAT
  • content :feature 6 USB 3.0 sockets, and 2 wireless charging ports.
  • touch ID : specially designed lock that can only be opened to specific fingerprints once opened you can then unzip the bag.
  • waterproof.
currently there are no products similar to this product. target audience: college/university students and business people, ( people who travel/ commute a lot.

logo and tagline: apple logo
tagline: think different.
             look different .

the IBag is cutting edge technology at its finest combined with some of the nicest material money can buy, coming in 4 different colours (gold, rose gold, grey, space grey, and for a limited time only get the special edition white IBag.

Assignment 1: understanding the purpose of music videos (Harry)

How are music videos consumed?
currently most people use video streaming sites to watch and listen to their favourite music videos, a prime example of this would be YouTube. millions of people use this platform to stream music videos free of charge.

there is a very popular channel on youtube called VEVO which originally debuted as a TV channel, this channel is the main up-loader of most, if not all music videos on youtube, this is a drastic change from the way music videos have been viewed in the past, for example on august 1st 1981, the worlds first 24 hour music channel was released called MTV, which subsequently . played the first official music video "Video Killed The Radio Star" by the Buggles. although MTV is still active today, the once innovative channel is beginning to lose more and more interest as things like the internet continue to grow and expand.
after music videos, the main source of for viewing music videos was the purchasing of DVDs, the first DVD was released in 1
997, this changed everything, due to the fact that it meant people could buy and own the respective music video DVD, this opened them up to the prospect of watching them whenever they want, the World-wide web was invented 7 years later but this did not have an impact on the music video industry until the late 2000s to the early 2010s.

Record Labels

Eminem is a prime example of a successful artist who owns a own record label, he directly benefits from any money the record label earns because of this, the record label is called shady records after his well known alter ego Slim Shady. because  record labels are the main source of funding for most music videos, this means that any profit of notable proportions that a  music video earns, a percentage of this will go directly to the record label, or In the case of Eminem (Marshal Mather's) a percentage will go directly to him because he owns the record label. 
Eminem would also receive a portion of what artists sighed to his record label earn, the most notable artist to be signed to his record label is 50 Cent (Curtis James Jackson then third)

How Are Music Videos Used To Promote The Following?
1) a particular song: a lot of music videos are used to sell the song, they do this by giving the audience something to react to which will help them remember the song, they also help to give the audience a better understanding of the song, creating a video can increase the units that the particular song sells via DVDs and downloads because it creates memorable visuals that the audience will want to see again.

2)the artists album: most artists will release a song a few weeks before the release of the actual album, this is done to draw awareness to the album and the artist in general.

3)an artists change in musical direction: when an artist wishes to have a change in musical direction they will usually release a song along with the music video, and in the music video there could be a visual representation or something to signify the change in direction. this music video tends to be completely different to there usual style of music.
an example of this happening is Taylor swift, originally she was pursuing a music career in the Genre of country, when she drastically changed to the Genre of Pop, one of the songs Taylor did that was predominantly country was a song called "Teardrops on my guitar" which was released in 2006.

An example of a pop genre song that Taylor has released is called "Shake it Off " this is arguably one of the biggest songs she has released.

4) synergy with another sector: using music videos to promote films has become very popular in recent times, a prime example of this is the song Sky Fall by Adele, this songs music video is also the opening credits scene in the popular James Bond film of the same name.

another example of this is one from another James Bond film called Spectre, for this film a song called Writings On The Wall by Sam Smith was released, this song has its own separate music video as well as the song itself being featured on the film, although the songs music video follows the same theme and has some noticeable similarities with the film. the music video also features the same actor from Spectre who plays James Bond.

even though the song Skyfall has garnered more views and streams from places such as YouTube and Spotify, the song by Sam Smith has a bigger impact on the audience because even though its music video is separate from the film, it still shares some links with it and vice-versa, meaning that people who have only seen the music video are nudged towards watching the film 

Shady Records. (2018). Shady Records. Trust Us. Est. 1999. [online] Available at: [Accessed 9 Nov. 2018]. (2018). YouTube. [online] Available at: [Accessed 9 Nov. 2018].

Lindner, E. (2019). 21 Musicians Who Changed Genre Mid-Career. [online] MTV News. Available at: [Accessed 16 Jan. 2019].

Friday 19 October 2018

Assignment A: analysing radio adverts. (David)

Advert 1: national counter terrorism policing " multiple bombings".
Agency: Abbott Mead Vickers BBDO
Producer: Anita Sasdy
Sound Engineer: Ben Gulvin 
This advert is about counter terrorism police receiving a phone call about a suspicious package left in a storage unit, the main message of the radio ad is to tell people that they should always call the authorities in the event that a suspicious package is ever found.

This advert follows a very serious and formal style, the use of deep multi voice without any music really portrays the seriousness of the ad itself, this advert can be considered as both a one off advert and as part of a collective because all though there isn't any more parts (1,2,3) it follows a similar narrative to many already published ads and ads that are still being made to this day, the only media format this ad uses would be that of a serious genre. This ad's purpose is to bring awareness to situations that need to be met with extreme caution and sometimes force by the counter terrorism police, and also to highlight the need to report any suspicious activity or packages that you find.

There isn’t any music used in the ad to highlight the serious nature of the ad.
This radio ad aims at the general public's fears, they do this because it makes the a lot more likely to report any suspicious people or packages to the relevant authorities.
This advert was distributed across the entirety of Great Britain.
The advert gives a specific phone number to use in the case of finding a suspicious package (0800789321) you can also visit ACT to hear the full story that is being portrayed in the advert.

Legal or Ethical issues with the Advert:
There are two things in this Ad that can be flagged as legal/ethical issues.
1: the use of the audiences fear and shock to instil the notion of reporting the finding of suspicious bags/packages.
2: this Ad could be considered as inappropriate towards younger children.

Advert 2: cancer research UK "The Breath"
Agency: Abbott Mead BBDO
Creative: Diccon Driver, Alan Wilson
Producer: Frankie Burwell-Wright
sound engineer: Parv Thind
This advert is about a smoker who is aiming to say an entire paragraph in one breath, he ultimately cannot do this because he smokes, the overall message of this AD is to quit smoking ad it can negatively affect the things you want to do e.g. play football with your kids which is actually mentioned in the AD, the AD ends with the male saying "to find a stop smoking adviser who will give you the best chance of quitting for good visit "".
This radio AD is serious and simple because of the important nature of it, its just one male speaking about the issues he encounters when smoking and how to greatly reduce these issue.
This can be considered as both a stand-alone AD and also as part of a series, primarily because there is not any part two's to it but there are other adverts that warn against the dangers of smoking and cancer.
There is no music in this radio advert but there are certain sound effects, for example at the six second mark the man takes deep breath, or at the nineteen second mark the man "runs out of breath, then inhales deeply" both of these things can be heard very clearly, the second example especially is used as an example within the AD to actually let the audience hear what can happen to you if you smoke,
Only a single voice is used in this AD because it takes a very serious tone because of the topic of discussion.
This Ad delves into the audience’s fears of smoking by portraying the negative impacts smoking can cause.
This Ad was distributed all over England.
A link to a website is left in the Ad which can provide support with quitting smoking (

Legal or Ethical issue with the advert:
There may be some legal and ethical issues with the ad, for example, for people who follow Islamic faith may find it inappropriate to listen to such an ad because smoking is forbidden, also non-smokers may just find it unnecessary to listen to an Ad that does not apply to them.

The AA "Baby Route"
Agency: Adam and Eve/DDB
Creative: Frank Ginger, Shay Reading
Producer: Louise Richardson
Sound Engineer: Sam Ash well
This Ad is an information ad about the AA (Automobile Association), it is informing the audience of the services they can provide and how quick/efficient they are at these tasks, at the start of the advert the song "Proud Mary" by Tina Turner is being played, this immediately initiates excitement in the audience because of the tempo of the song, this song constantly plays throughout the entire Ad, although on the eleventh second the music fades into the background while a man begins to speak over it describing what the AA does and how fast they can do it, the mans voice stops at the twenty sixth second mark and music begins to return to its original volume, this reignites the excitement in the audience. This is especially important because you do not want to lose the audiences attention until the end of the ad, the music used can also make the radio ad be considered as nostalgic as the song was released in 1988, this can also make a lot of people remember that ad and in turn remember the organisation because a lot of drivers (who this is aimed at) grew up with popular music very similar to this.
The speaker who begins to talk over the music presents himself in a very formal and serious manner, all though there is some light hearted comedy performed in the ad, the formal/serious tone of voice over the music can signify that even though we can have fun and joke around, the job will be completed, also in the ad it is stated that the job will always be completed and a driver will usually arrive within half an hour this can be considered as misleading advertisement because if these things do not happen on a regular basis then the company responsible for creating the script for the Ad are lying.
There are multiple persuasive techniques used in the ad, for example the main constantly repeats the name of the company (AA) this could be used as a way of making sure the audience remembers the content of the Ad.
This ad was distributed all across of England and does not include any contact details regarding the company.
Legal or ethical issues:
In the Ad it is stated that the job will always be completed and that their drivers will usually arrive within 30 minutes, both of these points can be considered as misleading information simply based on the fact that these things may not happen.

Regulatory standards the Ad's should meet 
·      Charity Ads must be broadcasted free of charge.
·      The organisation concerned can produce satisfactory evidence of charitable status.
·      The organisation concerned is not prohibited from promoting on the radio.
·      Factual material must not mislead the audience.

Thursday 4 October 2018

What i have learnt so far. (Harry)

Over the last few weeks in media I have learnt a multitude of new things, ranging from different Genre types to the key stages of production and different media sectors.
I have not only learnt these things I have also been able to apply it to my own knowledge and identify things such as intertextuality between two media texts.
Some more examples of things I have learnt:
I Have learnt the meaning of many keywords such as iconography (visuals and audio that appears in specific genres), sub-genre (when the main Genre incorporates elements of another), intertextuality (when a media text references another media text).
Schadenfreude means to receive pleasure from anthers displeasure, visceral experience, when a media text has a physical effect on you e.g. smiling, dancing, feeling scared.
I have studied Genre in depth, for example it is not static, meaning that it is subject to renegotiation between the industry and the audience.
The term Genre should not be applied to trans generic aspects of style such as melodrama, naturalistic or epic.
Audience find genre appealing because it gives them a clear insight into whether their expectations will be met or not (finding pleasure in what happens next.
Creators want their story to be instantly appealing, they do not want to spend too much time setting up characters, this is where generic conventions come in handy because they are easily recognisable.
Not only have we studied in depth about genre we have also covered the purpose of music videos, learning about many things such as innovative techniques (characters narrative and setting), MESC.FX (mise-en-scene, editing, sound, camera and special effects), we have also watched several music videos and completed an analysis of several of them as a class or in  group work, we have watched things such as “Bashy- kidulthood to adulthood” and BTS- Dope.
We have also learnt about the many different styles of music videos, for example there are, popular music genres, animation/stop motion/ digital, narrative and pastiche (an artistic work that is in a similar style or imitates another piece of work, artist or period of time.
To conclude, it is clear to see that a lot has been learnt in the past few weeks and more will be learnt in the future.

Thursday 20 September 2018

Radio Ads (David)

detailed analysis of two contrasting radio adverts:

Advert 1: Tesco price drop Ad.

The first advert i have chosen is the Tesco price drop advert, this advert is promoting the amount of items that have been dropped in price since the sale began, it takes a very informal and humorous  style very early on, the male speaker takes a massive deep breath and begins to list all the items included in the price drop, the speed he is talking and the size of the breath he took both indicate that he does not have enough allocated time to list every item, this can be used to intrigue the audience because they may wish to go to their local store just to see what else is on offer which can make it more likely for them to buy things.
around fifteen seconds into the advert a female begins to speak, she is reiterating what the male already said at the beginning of the advert, this seems to make it sound very important which can also lead to impressing the listener and coerce them into going to Tesco to look and potentially buy things.
this advert is mainly aimed at parents, and people that work but may not be able to afford all of the normal prices, so the hearing this advert may influence them in a way that results in them attending a local store and seeing what is on offer and maybe purchasing something because it is more in their price range.
the mood that is created by this advert is a very exiting one, it makes the listener register the advert as a very important/amazing thing to take into consideration when shopping.

Advert 2: Alton towers Ad (2007)

The second advert i have chosen to analyse is the Alton towers Ad, which was released in 2007, this Ad starts off with a male voice over, the speaker appears to be on a roller coaster whilst speaking, this Ad also takes a humorous style early on but for different reasons as the first advert, the speakers reactions as the roller coaster makes its way around are laughable, this is intended to make the listener want to attend the theme park so they can experience the same thing, as the Ad progresses you can also hear the screams and laughter of other riders this intends to do the same thing as mentioned previously. this Adverts purpose is to promote their theme park, they do this by making the main  speaker and everyone in the background appear to have fun, which makes the audience want to experience the same thing, therefore making people attend the theme park. the intended audience for this advert are young adults and parents because most young adults are considered fearless and willing to do exiting and dangerous things, and its aimed at parents as well because it may make them think about taking their children because they think it would be enjoyable for them.
 to conclude the main focal point of this ad is to attract people to the theme park.

The Advertising Standards Authority
the ASA (advertising standards authority) its role is to regulate the content of advertisments, sales promotions and direct marketing in the UK by investigating complaints made by the audiences and deciding whether or it complies with its advertising standards codes.

Monday 17 September 2018

Film In Theory (Marina)

Task 2

Film in theory

structuralism -  A theory that explains why and how audiences gain meaning from different forms of media such as literature.

Semiotics - semiotics is the investigation of how signs and signals can be used and interpreted within media.
example - advertisements use semiotics in various ways in an attempt to coerce viewers into buying products

Auteur Theory - this is a theory where, especially in film making, the director is seen as the main creative influencer.
example - Famous movie director quentin Tarantino is a modern day auteur filmmaker.

Feminism - feminism is the push for Women's rights, for equality of the genders/sexes.

queer theory - queer theory includes both queer texts and the theorisation of queerness itself.

Marxism - the theories presented by karl marx and Friedrich Engels, which was later transformed into communism by their followers.

psychoanalytic - theory of personality organisation and the dynamics of personality development.

Schindler's list (1994)
Genres: biography, drama, history.
director: Steven Spielberg.
target audience: older teens, adults.

the pianist (2002)
Genres: biography, drama, music
director: Roman Polanski
target audience: older teens, adults

Sunday 9 September 2018

Analytical Approaches (Marina)

Analytical Approaches 

Genre Analysis - genre analysis is analysing and specifying the reasoning behind a films specific genre/genres and who the intended audience is and why.

content analysis- content analysis is analysing the messages in the film how different characters are acting or how they are portrayed, it could also be referring to analysing any deeper meanings embedded in the film.

narrative analysis- narrative analysis refers to the examination of the story or the account of events and discovering and presenting underlying meanings.

reception study/theory- This is a study taken on the fans, it includes the fans interpretations of the selected film and what they think about different concepts introduced and what they mean.

fan study -research that is mainly focused upon media fans and fan cultures.

The Breakfast club (1985) - content, genre and narrative analysis.

The film "The Breakfast Club" is centred around five American high school students who all have to endure a day of Saturday detention, throughout the course of the day the students discover that they all have more in common than the fact that all attend the same high school, the narrative of the film is constantly shifting due to the fact that throughout the film each students story is told in a different manner. The Genre of the film is classed as a comedy/drama due to the mix of jokes and wisecracks presented in the film as well as the dramatic essence of the students stories about their separate lives.

The Purpose Of Planning Documents

what is the purpose of the following planning documents: Treatment: the goal of a music video treatment is to write and form a document t...