Monday, 17 September 2018

Film In Theory (Marina)

Task 2

Film in theory

structuralism -  A theory that explains why and how audiences gain meaning from different forms of media such as literature.

Semiotics - semiotics is the investigation of how signs and signals can be used and interpreted within media.
example - advertisements use semiotics in various ways in an attempt to coerce viewers into buying products

Auteur Theory - this is a theory where, especially in film making, the director is seen as the main creative influencer.
example - Famous movie director quentin Tarantino is a modern day auteur filmmaker.

Feminism - feminism is the push for Women's rights, for equality of the genders/sexes.

queer theory - queer theory includes both queer texts and the theorisation of queerness itself.

Marxism - the theories presented by karl marx and Friedrich Engels, which was later transformed into communism by their followers.

psychoanalytic - theory of personality organisation and the dynamics of personality development.

Schindler's list (1994)
Genres: biography, drama, history.
director: Steven Spielberg.
target audience: older teens, adults.

the pianist (2002)
Genres: biography, drama, music
director: Roman Polanski
target audience: older teens, adults

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